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Results for "keyword: "stress""
The Nature Principle Richard Louv on how the info-blitzkrief leads to continuous partial attention.
How to Stay Sane Philippa Perry on developing self-observation to stay sane.
A Thousand Names for Joy Byron Katie on having a flexible and open mind.
One Nation Under Stress A robust analysis of the concept of stress as a Bogie man for society diverting our attention from real pressing issues.
Here I Am Eight Jewish spiritual practices to stem the tide of stress in our lives.
The Tibetan Book of Yoga Geshe Michael Roach on the benefits of virtuous yoga that includes kindness to others.
Vinegar into Honey Ron Leifer on perfectionism as an obstacle to openness.
Keeping Silence C. W. McPherson with a teaching story about a church experiment with silence.
Celebrating Silence Sri Sri Ravi Shankar on dealing with rudeness.
Yoga Nidra A combined book and CD package on Yoga Nidra, an ancient meditation practice.